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How To Peel A Plantain

Nutritional Information

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    On a hot grill, place the peeled plantains for about 7 minutes, turn and grill for 7 more minutes so that each side is cooked evenly. Once golden brown, use a small knife to slice the plantains lengthwise down the middle. Stuff them with cheese and guava or with the cooked ground meat. Put the plantains back in the grill for 2 more minutes or until the cheese is melted.

Serving Suggestions:

    Serve the cheese & guava plantains as an appetizer and the ground meat plantains as the main dish with potato salad.

Nutrients per Serving:

    Calories 328; Fat 4.1 g; Cholesterol 14.3 mg; Fiber 5.5 g; Sodium 36 mg; Protein 5 g; Potassium 1145 mg; percent calories from Fat 11%.


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